Back in Saudi: Wischnewski waiting for us at 40°C (September 2023)

Hello all!

After 3 months altogether we are back in Saudi Arabia (Jeddah). But why did we had to ‚come back‘!? What happened? Unfortunately we had to pause our world trip for three months since my (Carstens) mother unexpectedly passed away in May 2023. Of course, this very sad event did change a lot for us. We flew back to Germany to take care of family and things. But before we had to find a place to park Wischnewski for an uncalculated long time. That was not a simple task to organize. Where do you put a (9,5m, 14t) truck? It is our home and we of curse wanted Wischnewski to stay save. And: leaving a vehicle in a foreign country outside of Europe is a big and difficult task to arrange. The customs authorities absolutely hate that. But again, the hospitability and friendliness of the Arabic people solved the problem within hours. A new good friend from Jeddah – Fayez (our hero) – organized a save place right away and gave us what we needed to leave the country without our truck. Now we only had to cross fingers that Wischnewski could stand the heat. Summer was coming up in Saudi with expected 40-50°C.

Good news: When we returned in September all worked out well with Wischnewski. The (Mercedes) engine started immediately willing to move on. We only had to clean up and had to fix minor damages. Especially plastic and all that is glued did not like the Saudi summer heat…

The other good thing was that we could meet again with our friends from Spain/ Ecuador (Magy & Carlos) to travel together in the next months.

Best wishes from
Heike and Carsten

(–> Text übersetzen in Deutsch)

Here you find some pictures from Saudi (West/ North-West)

To see full-size pictures and comments please
on the thumbnails!

4 Replies to “Back in Saudi: Wischnewski waiting for us at 40°C (September 2023)”

  1. We saw you come through the Waggi Atari border today. Do you want me to send you the video of your truck coming through?

    If so please send a WhatsApp number or email address and I’ll forward it to you.

    Looks amazing what you are doing. We had talked with friends about doing a similar thing when we retire in a few years.

    1. Dear Kirsty,
      thanks a lot for your posting!
      It would be great to see that video 🤗
      I’ll send you an email in a minute to exchange contact data.
      Again thank you and hope to hear from you soon!
      Best wishes from Carsten

  2. Frohe Weihnachten Euch beiden!

    Vielen Dank für die neuesten Fotoberichte, die jetzt noch in diesem Jahr ins Internet gestellt wurden.
    Ich bin jedesmal begeistert von Euren Abenteuern zu lesen und finde es authentischer, aus erster Hand etwas über Land, Leute und kulinarische Genüsse zu erfahren als etwa in einem geschnittenen Reisebericht im Fernsehen. Das ist viel persönlicher und warmherziger.
    Ich wünsche Euch gesegnete Weihnachten, einen guten Start ins neue Jahr und viele weitere interessante Erlebnisse, an denen ich virtuell ein bisschen teilhaben darf. Seid behütet, bleibt unversehrt und gesund.


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