Wischnewski Special: at the butcher’s (February 2024)

Good morning!       (–> Text übersetzen in Deutsch)

a very special activity in Udaipur was ‘to go to the butcher’. You must know that finding meat is sometimes very difficult. So we were very happy when we got an insider tip from a local who brought us to the ‘number 1 butcher’ of the town.

That was an extraordinary experience – please see the comments at the pictures!

Note: no ideal pictures for vegetarians!

Enjoy the pictures (maybe not :-0)

Best wishes from Carsten
P.S. important to say that this is absolutely not representative for food handling in India, …but still it can happen this way…

To see full-size pictures and comments please
on the thumbnails!

2 Antworten auf „Wischnewski Special: at the butcher’s (February 2024)“

  1. Umpf… da könnte ich direkt Vegetarier werden.
    Ich hoffe es hat euch dennoch geschmeckt. Sieht für uns fies aus aber die Inder leben ja auch noch.

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