With Wischnewski in Jordan (October 2023): Petra, Dead Sea and Mount Nebo

Hello all! 

Jordan is another country in the Arabic world that we did not know so far. Even if we had a great time in Jordan, visiting the famous World Heritage Site ‚Petra‘, Mount Nebo and the Dead Sea, we – of course – found much more tourism than in the months before in Saudi-Arabia, Kuwait, Iraq etc. That made a significant change to our perception: the pure Arabic soul was not to be seen so clearly, often we had to struggle with the side-effects of tourism (e.g. when it comes to bargain fair prices without getting ripped of). That was not a big problem, but during the months before we really enjoyed experiencing the pure Arabic spirit, friendliness and honest hospitability (that we liked so much).

But still: Petra, Mount Nebo and the Dead Sea were great (if we don’t think about the millions of flies that come over at the Ded Sea to say hello in the afternoon :-0)

Best wishes from
Heike and Carsten

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