Wischnewski in Saudi-Arabia (December 2022)

Hello all!

What do you know about Saudi-Arabia? …Riyadh? Oil? OPEC? Osama? Prince XYZ? Muslim country?

We understood quickly that we did not know anything of relevance when it comes to Saudi-Arabia for us ‘on the ground’. As we already learned from Iran, Iraq and Kuwait the hospitality, openness and friendliness of the Arabs is extraordinary. For us it is hard to imagine that a stranger who meets you somewhere on the street could (honestly) invite you to a family celebration or to a dinner ‘right away’. And again: the best way to meet people is to put your truck to a water spring and begin filling your tank. No five minutes later a local shows up, very interested end enthusiastic, and get’s in touch. But important to mention is, that the Arabic hospitality is more than a duty from the times of the nomads, it is a positive belief. And a great way to get in touch.

Like you see it on television or on YouTube: we sat in a Saudi beduin tent, somewhere in the desert, surrounded by camels, having dinner and dates plus tea, ..and great conversations with people from a very different cultural context. So exciting! We never had a clue that travelling through the Arab world could be so enriching!

Best wishes from
Heike and Carsten

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