from ‚world-tour-no1‘ to ‚world-tour-no2‘

Heike & Carsten are going on a world-trip? Again? ...this can only be a joke!

Let’s be honest now!

Yes it’s true, we are leaving for our second world-trip in August 2021. This time we are going landward by ‚expedition mobile‘.

How could this happen? What the h… gave us this idea?

This is how it evolved…

  • Start world-tour number 1
    May 2014
    that's us
  • 2 years abroad: we just had a terrific time
    Asia, Africa, South- & Middle America
    our blog
  • But we came back to Germany!
    in 2016
    blog post
  • Working and money saving
  • We had that idea to go on a world-trip per expedition-mobil
    26.01.2019 (Cologne)
  • We bought our expedition-mobile ('Wischnewski')
    10.05.2019 (from 'Sander')
  • Our world-tour 2 starts
    see this blog
  • Now: We would love to see...
    ...if you would follow us 🙂
Now it's up to you!
We would love to see if you would follow us on our world-tour number 2!

2 Replies to “from ‚world-tour-no1‘ to ‚world-tour-no2‘”

  1. Hallo ihr Lieben, seid ihr in Danzig seßhaft geworden? Es kommen ja gar keine nruen Bilder, Infos. Sind heute in Kassel und fahren dann in Heide.
    LG Ewald natürlich auch Anja 😘

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