from ‘world-tour-no1’ to ‘world-tour-no2’

Heike & Carsten are going on a world-trip? Again? ...this can only be a joke!

Let’s be honest now!

Yes it’s true, we are leaving for our second world-trip in August 2021. This time we are going landward by ‘expedition mobile’.

How could this happen? What the h… gave us this idea?

This is how it evolved…

  • Start world-tour number 1
    May 2014
    that's us
  • 2 years abroad: we just had a terrific time
    Asia, Africa, South- & Middle America
    our blog
  • But we came back to Germany!
    in 2016
    blog post
  • Working and money saving
  • We had that idea to go on a world-trip per expedition-mobil
    26.01.2019 (Cologne)
  • We bought our expedition-mobile ('Wischnewski')
    10.05.2019 (from 'Sander')
  • Our world-tour 2 starts
    see this blog
  • Now: We would love to see...
    ...if you would follow us 🙂
Now it's up to you!
We would love to see if you would follow us on our world-tour number 2!